Sunday, June 8, 2008

Voice Thread

This is my voice thread:

My Regards:
Mohamed Al Sahteri

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Solar vehicles

The Solar vehicles are recharged with alternative energy which powered from sun rays which is the solar energy. In fact it used mostly for car racing, bicycle and space rocket.

The solar car in these days, however, it’s rarely to find it because most of them are under experiment and the. On the other hand some of the solar car companies especially the Japanese ones, those companies didn’t spread like the carbon car companies.

The solar it’s more spread because it needs a small energy to work. In contrast, the solar car need more power because of the size of the engine. Moreover, the solar bicycle it’s more used and it’s cheaper also. This type of solar vehicles are spread more because it’s live more.

The solar vehicles it’s considered as on of the strongest solutions for the Cool Cities Because of several reasons, such as the cheaper cost and the natural energy that doesn’t leave a harm effects which due to a lot of natural diseases, such as the global warming.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

" TDIC Project "

There is a lot of projects planned by Tourism Development & Investment Company (TDIC) in Abu Dhabi, those projects will applied to support the tourism and the ecocomy of the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Some of those projects are done, such as Shangri-La Hotel. Now I'm going to write about the the most and least project that I interested on it.

The most project that i liked it Emirates Pearl which has an awesome designing view that designed by the architec award-winning from Austria. This project cost 136 million US dollar.This hotel offered an excellant facilities espacially for the business and meetings. One of features on Emirates Pearl is that there are several kinds of leisures, for example: sun deck island, rooftop ‘chill-out’ deck and pool, hair salon and shops.

The least project is Al Bateen Wharf because it will take a location of the eldest place on Abu Dhabi. This project not that useful or even uniqe for Abu Dhabi because its consider as a normal projct thats mean there is nothin special make me say wow.

To conclude, the TDIC will support Abu Dhabi greatly on the next 10 years to on of the best 3 wonders cities.